Newsletter December 2016
Thursday, Dec 15

Newsletter – December 2016
Christmas Hamper Raffle
Thank you all most sincerely for your kind donations towards our hampers. Tickets are on sale now at one euro a strip and are available from your child’s class teacher or the office. If family members would like to buy tickets please send in name on slip of paper with money. The raffle will take place on the day of the school holidays. Donations of sweets, biscuits, wine, spirits etc are still most welcome. Please drop these items to the school office.

Day of Holidays
Children can wear a Christmas jumper, Santa hat or Christmas colours on the day of the holidays. As it is a very special day everybody is allowed a treat in their lunchbox. Please remember we are a nut free zone here at Kilruane NS.

Please remember to check our School Website and in particular our school blog for current school news, photographs from the Tipp team visit, Green team info and news and photographs from our Artist in Residence, Joanna Parkes.

School Holidays
The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 22nd December at 12.30. The bus will run as usual. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and every good wish for the New Year.